Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Water As Fuel - It's Not Easy Being Green, Part 1

Everyone who has to buy fuel is feeling the pain at the pump right now. Especially those people with vehicles that use a lot of fuel or have to drive long distances. There is a way to cut your fuel costs dramatically by using water as fuel. Most fuel prices right now are at $3.50 to $4.00 a gallon. Cutting the cost of fuel for your vehicle would put a lot more money in your pocket for other things.

When gas prices go up the conversation quickly turns to alternative fuels and "Going Green". Becoming eco friendly isn't always easy. Remember the Muppet Show with Kermit The Frog and that line, "it's not easy being green"? Well, it's not easy changing our way of life to become more "Green". But it can be done. We've been recycling for years. Is it easy? No, not really. It takes time and effort to sort and separate our paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, cans and trash. It's a simple process but it's not easy. But the benefits are worth the effort.

Let's look at easy verses simple, the key to going green. Because something is simple that doesn't mean it's going to be easy. Think about building a stone wall. It's not rocket science, it's quite simple, just stack rocks on top of each other in a row. But it's not an easy process to build a stone wall. Rocks are heavy. And you have to stack them up just right so that the wall runs straight and doesn't fall over. The results are worth the effort.

Today we can find alternative methods to power our homes and our cars. These methods are usually promoted as being simple to do. And generally they are simple but not always easy. Many of these alternative fuel and power methods are purchased as a set of plans. Then you have to build the device yourself. You can find the parts easily at the local hardware or home center and no special tools or skills are required. All you need is the determination to follow the simple instructions.

Often times these plans are very inexpensive. You must decide if it's worth the effort to put the plans into action. Going green is very much about becoming independent. If you could build your own generator for about one hundred dollars and save several thousand dollars a year on utilities it would be worth it. If you could build your own water fuel device for your car or truck and cut your fuel costs in half or more it would be worth it. During World War Two the United State used water fuel technology in tanks and air planes to greatly extend fuel efficiency and to reduce engine wear. This same technology is available today and can be installed in any gasoline or diesel powered vehicle. You will see greater fuel economy, reduced engine wear and greatly reduced emissions. This water fuel technology produces HHO gas. Two parts Hydrogen and one part water. It burns cleaner and stronger than gasoline or diesel and the byproduct is water. These devices when installed in your vehicle mix this HHO gas with your gasoline or diesel fuel. The result is incredible gas mileage and extremely low pollution.

So the choice is yours. You can continue with conventional combustion engine vehicles and be at the mercy of gas prices. You could buy one of the new hybrid vehicles which tend to be much more expensive to purchase. Or you could spend a few hundred dollars and create your own hybrid vehicle. The technology exists, the plans are available and the results are real. You can use water as fuel and dramatically cut your fuel costs.

You can transform your vehicle into a fuel efficient hybrid with Simple Water Fuel. Get all the information you need by visiting the Simple Water Fuel Website here, http://www.mywaterfuel.info/. Recommended by Bruce Nutting at, http://cashrivernow.blog.com/

View the original article here

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