Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Go Green With HHO Kits!

Everyone is talking about going green, even our friendly post office is printing go green stamps. With so many vehicles on the road and all the pollution especially in the big cities, we should all do our part in going green.

HHO Kits

One way is to have a hydrogen cell kit installed on your vehicle. It is very safe, will not void your warranty, works with gas and diesel motors, works on any size or type vehicle, and it will increase your mileage by 40%-60%.

How it works to help clean up our air quality is: When hydrogen is introduced into your engine it cleans the air by burning the excess hydrocarbon. When the excess hydrocarbon burns, you start pushing oxygen instead of carbon dioxide out your tail pipe. Then you have pure oxygen coming out instead of air killing carbon dioxide. This is a great way to go green with using a hydrogen cell kit.

Computers Off

Other ways to help go green are: Turning your computers completely off at night. This truly is an internet world, and everyone is online for one reason or another. When we go to sleep, your computer needs to sleep also. By turning it completely off will save on it and power.

Besides everyone having a computer, we all have printers. There is a lot of wasted paper when it comes to printing. Instead of just throwing it away, use both sides of it. You can use it for making notes, cut it up for a scratch pad, or let your children use it for drawing on.

Stop getting bank statements and start doing all your banking online. You can save a lot of paper by not getting bank statements and by not writing checks. Like I said earlier everything is internet now days, so do your banking online also.

Eggs & Hot Water

Most everyone eats eggs, so save your egg cartons. You can use the Styrofoam ones for putting paint in, as little paint wells. You can use them to start seeds for your garden. We use to cut them up and decorate them for Christmas ornaments. There are a lot of little crafts you can make out of them and your children will have fun doing it.

We all like a good hot shower, but if you lower your hot water temperature you will save a lot on your power bill. Instead of using hot water for your laundry, wash in cold. Your clothes will come out just as clean and they have detergent out especially for cold water wash now.

Tires & Lights

Always check the air pressure in your tires. Keeping your tire pressure where it should be will help your vehicle run more miles on less gas. And remember the Hydro cell Kit will increase your mileage helping keep money in your pocket book every time you fill up at a gas station.

We all like and need good lighting in our homes, but we should all make sure our lights are florescent bulbs. If every home in the United States would change all of their light bulbs to florescent bulbs, it would be equivalent to taking one million vehicles off the streets.

These are just a few ideas to help go green and do your part in making our world a better place to live. It is never to late to start right now and hope that our future generations will have a clean world to live in.

Julianne Rowat, the author, is an online home business entrepreneur.
She writes to energize people and to show them how to create their own financial freedom.
Her husband and her travel all around the United States in their motor home while working their online home business.
Their mission is to help others all over the world succeed in their own online home business.
To find out more, check out their blog at:
or their business at:

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